Free work in progress

I spent my student time living in a multicultural area in the west of Rotterdam above a Shisha bar. When the wind was aimed at my window the sweet scents of the tobacco reaches my room. During my five years in the area, I have seen a lot of changes. Lots of shops were replaced by trendy food/coffee bars and also regular bars. I want to show this gentrification of my area with this object.

There are signs everywhere and most of them share the same style but some of them are just not the right fit or not correct.
For instance: Do you have any idea which of these four options is the correct horseback rider and horse combination?
Or why do we even have a regular bike sign in Amsterdam?

Ongoing Obsession, Free work in progress
The landmeters project is a current obsession since I started living in Amsterdam. They are everywhere in the city center and usually in the most beautiful places.
The way they set up the tripod makes it look like they’re doing a photoshoot. The subject of this shoot is the most unenthusiastic person ever holding a ruler with in the background the best spots of Amsterdam.
I would love to do a fashion shoot for Levis of Carhart, or some other workwear brand with this setup.

Ongoing Obsession, Free work in progress
This project sprouted because I randomly filmed a broken drainpipe during a big storm. After this I started noticing more and more what I now called accidental fountains. After I started collecting them I started its own instagram with is now an ongoing project where the accidental fountains are posted. Its also a place to collect more accidental fountains that I missed but maybe someone else did find.
Follow for more fountains (I bought an umbrella and rain coat to find more of them).